Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Getting Noticed

Did you hear the one about the guy who walks into church with his cap on? As he approaches the entrance one of the ushers taps his head and whispers, “Your cap.” The man walks on, down the aisle, to his seat. One of the parishioners smiles and motions to his own head and whispers “cap.” The man smiles and looks away. The service begins. As the celebrant comes down the aisle he leans over to the man as he passes and whispers, “your cap.” After the service ends everyone processes out where the celebrant is already greeting parishioners as they exit. He asks the man with the cap why he never removed it while he was in church. “Father,” he says, “I’ve been coming here for four years and this is the first time anyone has ever noticed me.”

So what does this have to do with work, job search or your career? It begs one question and one question only: What am I doing to get noticed? — by my boss, my employer, an interviewer, as I send my resume over the internet in response to an ad?


  1. So is the point that you shouldn't attract negative attention by your boss by responding to an online job posting?

  2. What I meant was I think it's important to get noticed in life...for the right reasons of course. It's affirming to know that we matter. The guy in the post got noticed because he wore a hat in church when no one else did. It made him stand out from the crowd. "What am I doing to get noticed by my boss, employer or when I send my resume each present opptys to convey something that distinguishes us: volunteering for a special project or putting in extra hours to complete something ahead of schedule or having a resume with a strong branding statement and well developed accomplishment statements that makes the reader say: "I'd like to know more about this candidate" and moves the resume over to the "interview" side of their desk.
